Up at the crank of dawn.

Dawn is born at midnight.

Snowman wakes before dawn.

I'm up at the crack of dawn.

Dawn comes before sleep does.

Darkness is dawn not yet born.

I just write from dawn to dusk.

One rose is enough for the dawn

...women, brave as stars at dawn

As the dawn comes up like thunder.

Dawn: When men of reason go to bed.

Dawn comes slowly but dusk is rapid.

It's always darkness before the dawn.

It is always darkest before the dawn.

But He is risen, a later star of dawn.

The darkest hour was just before dawn.

Morning without you is a dwindled dawn.

Dawn tinted the darkness like water ink.

The nearer the dawn the darker the night.

Consider that this day ne'er dawns again.

Love is the enchanted dawn of every heart.

I'm so horny the crack of dawn isn't safe.

Souls are made of dawn-stuff and starshine.

When you become quiet, it just dawns on you

Your mom is my sunset, and you are my dawn.

It was the dawn of the third age of mankind.

Show him every dawn & read to him endlessly.

I am awakened each dawn Increasingly to fear.

When God sends the dawn, he sends it for all.

Beauty shall rise with the dawn from the east.

The Darkness has begun. There will be no dawn.

Birdsong foamed in the hour-before-dawn garden.

A beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn.

I've always wanted to be able to paint the dawn.

I'm so horny the crack of dawn better watch out.

The dawn of knowledge is usually the false dawn.

All silence is. All emptiness. And now: The dawn.

Whom the dawn sees proud, evening sees prostrate.

All really great flying adventures begin at dawn.

One may not reach the dawn save by path of night.

You have to have the darkness for the dawn to come.

Chavez Ravine is the dawn of Chicano consciousness.

Our eternal message of hope is that dawn will come.

In gold sandals / dawn like a thief / fell upon me.

Dawn seemed to follow midnight with indecent haste.

For me the diamond dawns are set In rings of beauty.

Dawn has a way of casting a pall on any night magic.

I'm up at dawn. I practically fall asleep at dinner.

sometimes i get up at dawn, and even my soul is wet.

Dawn was breaking, like the light from another world.

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