Man is a degeneration of what he was.

I can't slow the degeneration in my back.

I experienced first-hand the degeneration of the poldermodel in full force.

I've got what my ma had, macular degeneration, which you get when you get old.

In marriage, a man becomes slack and selfish, and undergoes a fatty degeneration of his moral being.

Humanity to me is not a mob. A mob is a degeneration of humanity. A mob is humanity going the wrong way.

I think middle-age is the best time, if we can escape the fatty degeneration of the conscience which often sets in at about fifty.

TV needs to be the medium for progress, not degeneration. There needs to be more programming for children. Plays need to become more responsible.

One of the main arguments that I make in my new book, 'The Great Degeneration,' is that the rule of law in the U.S. is becoming the rule of lawyers.

America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone directly from barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.

In the eye, there is a type of junk that accumulates in the back of the retina that eventually causes us to go blind. It's called age-related macular degeneration.

It is claimed, but with what truth we cannot say, that there is a well-defined propaganda among the aliens of colour to bring about the degeneration of the white race.

If you look back today over the last 25 years, it is a fact that we have had a progressive degeneration of our intelligence community in general; in particular in the field of human intelligence.

It is a pleasant thing to reflect upon, and furnishes a complete answer to those who contend for the gradual degeneration of the human species, that every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last.

It would be wrong to assume that one must stay with a research programme until it has exhausted all its heuristic power, that one must not introduce a rival programme before everybody agrees that the point of degeneration has probably been reached.

One of the things I miss most is that I can no longer read, due to age-related macular degeneration. I get regular injections for this, and thankfully these seem to have arrested its progress, but it's still very difficult for me to read. That means it is hard for me to pick up my Bible and read it like I used to, and I miss that very much.

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