I wish to direct someday.

I am the worst strategist ever.

My kids are the light of my life.

I self-taught myself music at 19-20.

I like playing characters in the real world.

I was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus Type 1.

Almost every story has a romantic angle to it.

I am not finicky at all regarding my appearance.

I am an immature person, and I am very lazy, too.

Playing interesting characters makes me feel alive.

I am diabetic. So diet control is a pre-given for me.

Bollywood was never on my to-do list. It just happened.

If I get into something, I get into it for the pure joy of it.

The motto of my life is, 'The best advice is no advice at all.'

I am always scared when I start something new. That hasn't changed.

I have developed my own brand of acting, and fortunately, people like it.

Comfort and simplicity are two keys that I follow when it comes to fashion.

Old-world romance underlines my relationships, even with my son and the dog.

If one wants to take a stand on something, one must be very educated about it.

My wife is not insecure at all. She is one of the most sensible persons I know.

I'd rather speak less because I don't consider myself a very intelligent person.

It's a great feeling to be admired... what can I say? It's a warm, gooey feeling.

Being trendy is alright, but clubbing all the trends in one look is a complete no.

A lot of men tend to mix a couple of fragrances and smell like a flower garden. Avoid!

I do give interviews, but I am generally media-shy because I am an introvert by nature.

Fans are half of an artiste... without someone to appreciate him, an artiste is nothing.

I always consider myself as good as my last film. I tend to analyse my work very critically.

I am the kind of person who likes taking one step at a time and raising the bar with each film.

I stumbled into acting because a friend persuaded me to leave my 9 to 5 job and get into acting.

I don't like it when people remain glued to their phones while talking, so I have no apps on mine.

My way of deciding whether a film is worth doing is if you can get through it all in the first read.

I've been watching the 'Richard Pryor Show' for NBC made during the '70s. I'm a big fan of his work.

I don't think anyone gets bored of being called good-looking. We are all vain in one way or another.

I proudly represent Pakistan in India, and I hope that many more actors from there come and work here.

If there is place for music that I do in Bollywood, then I would surely like to sing a song in a Hindi film.

I have always been the black sheep of the family. I am the middle child, with an older and a younger sister.

I was 17 when I first acted on stage. I was a part of an Urdu adaptation of 'Spartacus' in the titular role.

I'm a quiet person. It's only when I am cued to talk that I talk. Otherwise, I'm reserved and a bit of a recluse.

Wherever the wind blows me, I'll go! My eventual goal is to have enough experience to produce something on my own.

Remember, the fit of your outfit can make or break your look. Ensure the fit is perfect, and you will be just fine.

If I'm going to talk about something, I need to be educated about it, and I need to have seen all the perspectives.

I've adopted a diet that minimises high glycemic index carbs, coupled with lean protein sources and a mix of vegetables.

Growing up, I loved films like 'A Streetcar Named Desire' and 'On the Waterfront' and became a huge fan of Marlon Brando.

Men are naturally barbarians, and that will remain forever. The passion, the love, and the lust is intensifying with time.

As an individual, I've learnt a lot about life - some things that proved to be helpful and some things I wish I never knew.

I've expanded my skill-set through a very limited number of projects and been very lucky with the outcomes most of the time.

I have done films only because my roles were good in them. It has got nothing to do with being associated with any particular camp.

As a musician, I have sung, composed, and played instruments, and a lesser-known fact is that I have composed 20-30 ad jingles as well.

The time I'm truly happy is when I'm playing with my son. We just mentally connect. There's nothing more fulfilling than playtime with him.

I like to discuss my condition publicly because if I, with this disability, am able to fulfill some of my ambitions, so can other diabetics.

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