One is never done growing as an artiste. So, it's important to find roles that challenge me and make me learn new things.

I've done everything - weight-lifting, Pilates, crossfit, martial arts, gymnastics - but I think the most important workout, at least for me these days, is a mental one.

First and foremost, immigration is important to me. I think immigration has implications for everything else that is done. So securing the border, that would be priority one for me. That is, to me, most important.

It's so important to me that I feel like I'm doing something that's never been done before, whether that's in the show, or I'm writing a song. I can exist in this little box here, but I have to do something new with it.

I adore book-to-film adaptations when they're done well, and I'm more lenient than many readers when it comes to what counts as 'done well.' For me, the most important thing is that the film maintains the spirit of the original book.

If I were assigned poems I suppose I'd write more of them but it is entirely voluntary and for the most part ignored in the market sense of the word so the language to me is most intimate, most important, most sublime and most satisfying when it gets done.

'Gutur Gu' is a silent comedy, which I had never done. I wanted to do something out of the box. It's exciting, tough, and fun. Dialogues are very important for actors, and to emote without them took some getting used to. It's giving me scope to learn a lot.

I think it's important for me, for my crew and for the audience to bring something new to each show. I have friends who have done the same act, word for word for word, for 20 years. I have a problem with that. I think the audience should see something new in each show.

When you're with somebody as iconic as Mick Jagger or John Fogerty, I'm really aware that, in asking these guys to collaborate with me, I don't want to add a footnote to their career that's like, 'Shouldn't' have done that.' It's important to make sure that they're well represented.

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