Never let your dreams go away.

Saddle your dreams before you ride em.

Just follow your dreams and be patient.

Pursue your dreams but have a backup plan.

Do all you can to make your dreams come true.

Be as in touch with your dreams as you can be.

No person has the right to rain on your dreams.

You have to dream before your dreams can come true.

You gotta go after your dreams and do it. Go and do it.

All I can say is that it's important to follow your dreams.

Take what you can from your dreams, make them as real as anything.

I realized you cannot stay away from Mumbai and pursue your dreams.

I'm a big believer in living out your dreams and facing your fears.

When you follow your dreams, you encourage other people to follow theirs.

When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.

Follow your intuition, listening to your dreams, your inner voice to guide you.

There is a reason they called it chasing your dreams and not walking after them.

You white folks see UFOs in your dreams. You don't hear about Martians in Harlem.

You'll be much more successful if you follow your dreams and follow your passions.

I've sort of become the poster boy for quitting your job and following your dreams.

Sometimes, you follow your dreams. I say to the young people, 'If you have a dream, chase it.'

You go after your dreams no matter how many obstacles. You want to go forward. That's what I did.

Hopefully, young people will see that you can be young and make the sacrifices to follow your dreams.

Kids need to be taught that your dreams aren't just dreams. Whatever they are, it's OK to push for them.

There are a lot of hours and a lot of sacrifices you have to make to achieve your dreams as a tennis player.

I want to show everyone that if you pursue your dreams, they can come true no matter what. That's what I want to do.

High achievers spot rich opportunities swiftly, make big decisions quickly and move into action immediately. Follow these principles and you can make your dreams come true.

It's a really scary thing, having your dreams come true and seeing everything you ever wanted happening, getting the attention for it and then not knowing how to handle it properly.

I feel like dreams are always a little tricky, you know? But if you just push through the struggles and the hard times, it'll be so worth it in the end because you will be able to get to your dreams.

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