I'm a positive dude.

I'm a man of few words.

DJs are the new rock stars.

I like white wine, Riesling.

I Think, Therefore I Ambient

I'm constantly buying records.

I've always been a fan of rap.

Live the Dream, Dream the Fish

We carry our childhood with us.

Not anyone can rap to my beats.

I don't have beef with anybody.

Without God, life is everything.

Art is ultimately schizophrenic.

Attention. That's all girls want.

Music is for sharing with people.

Say planet rock, it's a sure shot.

I'm a DJ. I get the party started.

I'm a hermit, people rarely see me.

No one's dream job involves a kiosk.

You don't have to move on to let go.

I love music more than I love people.

It's time to lie down and be counted.

I love playing FIFA on my PlayStation!

It's never too late to change your luck

All of the best songs happen on a whim.

Never give up just because it gets hard

LIFE = (L)ive (I)N (F)ull (E)ffect!!!!!!!

Embryo is one of my favorite groups ever.

It ain't no joke when you lose your vinyl.

Past, present, and future is where I'm at.

The monsters in my head are scared of love.

I love playing music no matter where it is.

I can sleep ANYWHERE! I just love to sleep.

As long as I'm living decent, then I'm cool.

I'm quiet, so people might think I'm a mute.

The dance industry is flogging a dead house.

Techno is everything you haven't imagined yet

Interviews are my least favorite thing to do.

Self, listen for moment, I will speak to you.

The iPad is the greatest thing as far as kids.

Most people don't get a fair crack of the whip.

I try to challenge my ears. I get bored easily.

PC Music is a really post-modern attempt at pop.

It is not the gift, but the thought that counts.

90 percent of the records I make are spontaneous.

I'm a laid back dude, I don't really get excited.

I have a hard time writing music when I'm on tour.

It's not easy staying relevant in the marketplace.

For me marketing is about how to present a project.

Music should either move your feet or move your heart

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