The evil that we know is best.

Fighting evil, it's hard work.

Evil is movement towards void.

Woman is the root of all evil.

Of two evils choose the least.

Government is a necessary evil

Meekness is the mask of malice.

Where liberty dies, evil grows.

Evil tongues never want a whet.

Evil be to him who evil thinks.

Expectations are an evil thing.

Hate is the father of all evil.

Good and evil lay side by side.

Evil is a form of incompetence.

Seek for good, but expect evil.

An evil life is a kind of death.

Good and evil exists everywhere.

The devil was the first democrat

Don't be evil is a load of crap.

We are all born marked for evil.

Poverty is the root of all evil.

... moral evil is its own curse.

Ignorance: the root of all evil.

Heroism is the antidote to evil.

A great book is like great evil.

Badness is only spoiled goodness.

Advertising is 'an evil service'.

Evil gains work their punishment.

Black illusion is all I ever see.

Some evils are cured by contempt.

Human reason can excuse any evil.

Power should be a check on power.

Of two evils choose the prettier.

Evil on itself shall back recoil.

There is but one evil, ignorance.

Evil is, good or truth misplaced.

Evil can do anything, for a price.

the evil thing is inside, not out.

A canter is the cure for all evil.

I get whiskey bent and hell bound.

For good is simple, evil manifold.

An evil discovered is half healed.

Government is an unnecessary evil.

Great for good, or great for evil.

The sun shines even on the wicked.

Ex Malo Bounum (good out of evil).

Evil and laughter cannot co-exist.

I like Hitler, jolly jolly Hitler.

To read too many books is harmful.

Nobody really thinks they're evil.

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