I'm fighting not only for myself and for my family, but I feel I am fighting for everybody who has cancer.

I am a very approachable and personable person, and I always put myself last. Whether it's family or friends, I always think about them first.

As a former refugee myself, I am very grateful for the help my family received and the opportunities this opened up for me and where it has brought me.

I do consider myself a Norwegian writer, or a Scandinavian writer, as my family tree reaches into both Denmark and Sweden. I don't think about it, of course, when I am writing.

Every parent just wants their child to be happy and to protect them. I should be the happiest I have ever been with my career, family and friends, but I can honestly say I am never happy in myself now. I constantly worry about them.

I'm thankful for all the things that this job has given me and my family. But probably the thing that I am most proud of throughout my career is that, not only myself, but my family and the people around me have just been regular people, which we are.

I didn't want to be taken advantage of and burnt out in the industry. I worked with my family really closely, so I was able to get that respect in the industry. So now I feel that I can let my guard down. People know who I am; I can be myself. I can be more versatile, and I can wear what I want.

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