Science is about filling in the details.

I hunger for filling in a world that is starved.

Royalty is the gold filling in a mouthful of decay

Everything's intentional. It's just filling in the dots.

I'm filling in all the negative spaces with positively everything.

For me a film is at its best when you can start filling in the story with your own life experience.

I have learned the art of filling in your lines with your visuals and your movies and your imagination

She knew she could not be Jem for Will. No one could. But slowly the hollow places in his heart were filling in.

Once I get in my mind that it's going to go "da da da dadada da da," then it's kind of like filling in the blanks.

You don't restore 'The Last Supper' by filling in the missing bits - you preserve. You accept the material that has somehow survived.

It is a well-known experience that the only truly enjoyable and profitable way of studying mathematics is the method of "filling in details" by one's own efforts.

My writing is a process of rewriting, of going back and changing and filling in. in the rewriting process you discover what's going on, and you go back and bring it up to that point.

I do crosswords when I have time to kill somewhere, and am 100 percent successful on filling in the spots I get stuck on - after I close up, do something else, and then go back to it.

Music has a way of filling in the missing places. It is a gift from God above, who didn't have to provide it, but He did anyway and I half think He decided life just wouldn't be as good without it.

Concrete is momentarily unformed matter seeking its natural completion, filling in the last corners of its allowed space, finding a form. It is possibility rendered material, hope in an industrial-strength mixer.

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