Most people think footballers are thick. Some might be, academically, but they can see the game, strategically, tactically, in every way.

I'm just trying to set my game up to that level of anytime the ball comes my way, I make a play, making people miss and getting the yards after the catch.

All we can do as players and ambassadors of the game is try to set an example, playing in the right way and make it as entertaining as possible for people watching.

Well, the most incredible thing about 'Fable' is the fact that there are lots of examples where people play the game in a certain way and things happen that were never designed to happen.

Soccer can be very subtle; it's a very nuanced sport. If I happen to make things easy and people don't see it, that could be a reason why someone might stand out more than I do. But that's just the way I've grown up playing the game.

We're not interested in bombarding our users with, 'Hey, play this game, play this game, play this game.' It gets annoying, it gets in the way of messaging, and it gets in the way of staying in touch with people who are important to you.

I think I've been fortunate to be at the top of the game and in the media for years, and a lot of times, people want to be your friend when you're on the top. You know, there have been times when I've been injured and I never got a phone call. So that's the way it is.

One thing I have figured out: People don't like different. People don't like to see anything different. When you see something different, you are either scared or afraid or you feel threatened. And I feel that the way I play the game, it feels like I should have played 50 years ago. But it's what I do.

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