I want to be remembered one day as a great player, good athlete and a good professional.

I learned what looked good on my petite frame, and to this day, I'm a great bargain shopper.

At the end of the day, great champions can take a good loss and great champions can take a good win, just like they take a loss.

Debates go on to this day about what caused the Great Depression. Economics is not very good at explaining swings in economic activity.

Human felicity is produced not as much by great pieces of good fortune that seldom happen as by little advantages that occur every day.

Events like this mean we can give something back to the people that support us, and hopefully everyone will have a great day and we can put on a good show for them.

There's some great TV, but it's kind of like dessert: It's good to have once in a while, but you can't eat it all day, or you're gonna get really fat and probably die.

Great touch is often written off simply as 'talent,' which is crucial, because a good swing can take a golfer only so far. I've seen thousands of fantastic swings in my day, but that doesn't guarantee anything.

As far as clothes are concerned, for the day, wear something chic: a good pair of jeans, crop, and open hair with a bright lip colour. For an evening, a nice pair of high-waisted trousers and a nice blouse looks great.

When you think of a great twist or a red herring or a way of misdirecting the reader, it is good, but you know that they are just tricks at the end of the day, and the way to keep interest is to write characters that people care about.

I wouldn't eat a 1,000-calorie bowl of spaghetti for dinner, but I've always loved pasta and think it's a good addition to any meal and a great base for pretty much any vegetable. It's also great when I have a nervous stomach before race day.

Lots of countries, like Israel, live with terrorism every day, and it doesn't impact their integrity. The big threat to America is the way we react to terrorism by throwing away what everybody values about our country - a commitment to human rights. America is a great nation because we are a good nation.

My third day playing saxophone, I was in front of a congregation. I still didn't know the names of all the notes. I was playing by ear, following along, but it was such an encouraging environment, I couldn't fail. It was all, 'Yeah baby, you sound real good' no matter what you play. It was a great way to learn.

Would I have been a great basketball player? No. But I think I would've been a good basketball player, one of those grinders getting eight to 10 rebounds. I would've been like Kobe and been in the gym five to seven hours a day and never missed a 10-foot jump shot. I would've been a great role player for a team.

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