Finally, I have realised that it is important to look good.

It is very important to look good in the entertainment industry.

It's nice to look good, but the most important thing is to be you.

Hygiene is important. You gotta smell good. So ladies, please spray some perfume. Hair gotta be done. You gotta look nice.

When you look at territorial disputes, there are good arguments on any sides. I think it's important that we don't take sides on legitimacy.

You know, I'm Australian, so I'm not too flashy or glitzy... I've stopped dressing for other people. If I think I look good, that's the most important thing.

Data is very important, but you have to be good at reading the data in an emotional way. If you look at a selling report, there's an emotional trend to what's selling.

They think I'm depressed because I look serious in photos. It's usually because I'm just nervous. But I've stopped dressing for other people. If I think I look good, that's the most important thing.

In a movie, it's often important to have aliens whose gestures and facial expressions can be 'read' by humans. And in the days before sophisticated computer animation, most extraterrestrial bit players were guys in rubber suits. Such practical considerations forced Hollywood's hand when it came to aliens - they look like us for good reasons.

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