I've always been surrounded by good people who rein me back in.

There are so many people supporting me and so many good people on my side.

I've been surrounded by good people at West Virginia. That helped me a lot.

I'm easy. Put me in an interesting location with good people and I'm there.

I've been surrounded by good people at West Virginia that have really helped me.

I will not say I would not serve if the good people were imprudent enough to elect me.

I come from nothing, and growing up, I really didn't have many people to inspire me, at least no good people to inspire me.

I was following my muse and I was very fortunate in having good people around me and it turned out to be a pretty good recording in my opinion.

I'm not looking to be a superstar. I just want to be in a room with good people who are similar to me and are at least open to things that I have to say.

Coming to Hollywood, you always hear the horror stories, but I had good people around me who maybe didn't understand what I was doing but always protected me.

I have good people around me, so I always have advice. A lot of people can talk to me, but it's me, of course, who still has to take that to the track and to perform.

I've talked a lot with Greg Raymer and Joe Hachem. Being on Team PokerStars with them has helped me out quite a bit. I've traveled around Europe playing with them. I've also talked with Robert Williamson here and there and Jim Worth. So I've had some good people to talk to and bounce ideas off of.

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