People who are the salt of the earth get up and go to a job that they ...

People who are the salt of the earth get up and go to a job that they hate.

I am reactive.

I'm bad at math.

I'm a good person.

The guitar chose me.

I like Harvey Mandel.

I love San Francisco.

Timing is everything.

I want to be dictator.

I'm not a list person.

Things work in cycles.

I love to be creative.

Simplicity is the key.

I have lots of ambition!

Practice like the Devil.

Everybody hates critics.

MTV ruined music for us.

Being out of tune sucks.

Don't mess with my money.

I got to meet Keith Moon!

I don't research anything.

I'm game for anything fun.

Les Paul was my godfather.

I don't like looking back.

You shape your own destiny.

I know music is subjective.

I'm ready to take the heat.

Novelty always sparks ideas.

I've got holes in my guitar.

Young people go to concerts.

I have a lot of female fans.

I feel like I own the stage.

Dick Dale don't surf no more.

Music is one big thing to me.

You bang that piano real nice.

Every song is like a painting.

I'm obsessed with fuzz pedals.

The best artists are gone now.

I love both my parents dearly.

I have very heartwarming fans.

I love being a member of KISS.

When it stops being fun, stop.

Our music contradicts our look.

I'll always be poor in my mind.

Trust the tale, not the teller.

Drums were my first instrument.

Live well - respire frequently.

Relax. Be yourself. Play a lot.

Who isn't a fan of Ray Charles?

Music is a potent energy force.

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