In BJP & RSS, there are good people I respect, but some are playing dirty games.

How do leaders serve their people? They may pay good wages and treat employees with respect.

The people have spoken. Their decision is sovereign. We all respect it... I wish good luck to those who will now govern France.

When people boo you, they're telling you, 'We don't like you.' It's not a good feeling to get that from the fans of an organization you respect so much.

Here in Ohio, the hardcore scene is a big thing, so some of our good friends are in hardcore bands. So we've had to figure out how the heck we get these people to respect us.

Like anywhere, we had to make people understand that we were there with good intentions, and that we were there with respect. We started making contacts with the people in the neighborhood three months before shooting began, so that everyone involved was comfortable.

I think the biggest thing for everybody in this league is the respect of their peers. A lot of the things we do, the way we compete, is for everybody in this league to respect as good players. Whether GMs see it or not or people on the outside, we want the respect of players.

I have a lot of respect for, always dig, the crew. Sometimes a lot more than the cast. But a good run production team is paramount to making a good film. You just can't it done without a good line producer, without creative producers, without people who are making stuff happen.

One thing I've learned through all the ups and downs is that if you're doing things right, then you have a core group of people. Not just a core group like your homies or your buddies, but a group of people that has a good influence on you, who you respect and admire, and you know that if they're on your side, you're doing something right.

When Elkins came forward I was absolutely ecstatic. It's a massive fight. Realistically he doesn't need to take this fight, but he did - good on him. I've got a lot of respect for him, but I think this is a very dangerous fight for him. Again, he's a grinder, he wears people down, but I don't wear out, especially when I'm in good condition.

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