A good heart is better than all the heads in the world.

If everyone were a good person, it'd obviously be a better world.

I always try to do better than I have before, so I think it would be good to break the world record.

As a species, I think if we could be half as good as dogs, I think the world would be a much better place.

My inner motivation is to make the world a better place; the bad guy and the good guy think the same thing.

Not to say there's not good TV out there, but I think TV is better when it accurately reflects the world as it is.

I think that it's a good thing that you want to be part of making the world a better place, including between nine and five.

It seemed the world was divided into good and bad people. The good ones slept better while the bad ones seemed to enjoy the waking hours much more.

I said to Gotze: 'OK, show the world you are better than Messi and can decide the World Cup.' I told him that. I always had a good feeling about Gotze.

I can get a better grasp of what is going on in the world from one good Washington dinner party than from all the background information NBC piles on my desk.

The only good reason to embrace a philosophical position is that you are convinced it is true or at least makes sense of the world better than the alternatives.

I don't think that the world would be a better place if everyone owned a dog, and I don't think that all relationships between dogs and their owners are good, healthy, or enriching.

I'll tell you what the real problem is: These people are working under the assumption that they know better about what is good for kids, what kids need to learn to get ahead in this world.

There are good players in Europe and all the way around the world, but better than Torres - no. I would not want to swap Fernando with anyone else in the world, because he is my player, and I'm very pleased with him.

Good satire comes from anger. It comes from a sense of injustice, that there are wrongs in the world that need to be fixed. And what better place to get that well of venom and outrage boiling than a newsroom, because you're on the front lines.

If we're not compelled to gain a deeper understanding of good and evil, how can we make the world a better place? How can we find ourselves at the end of our lives and know that our lives were significant? Those things would be impossibilities.

We are in a world where people are understanding that athletes and entertainers are citizens too. Some of us want to leverage our platform for good, and I want to be someone who is thoughtful and real about trying to influence people in a way that will lead to healthier communities and a better nation.

As individuals, people are inherently good. I have a somewhat more pessimistic view of people in groups. And I remain extremely concerned when I see what's happening in our country, which is in many ways the luckiest place in the world. We don't seem to be excited about making our country a better place for our kids.

I think sometimes it's about just finding the measuring stick that's different than the one the world puts on you. It's finding the one in which you're held accountable and how you hold each other accountable; what a good job looks like in a particular situation and how to be better at your job than you were yesterday.

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