Relative to other economies in the world, India has a good feel to it.

I feel I can channelise my aggression to the right thing and be a good bowler, a world class bowler.

I feel happy and secure when I'm on my bed with a good book... I forget everything which is terrible in our world.

I feel that as the world becomes more and more multicultural, it's a good tool to be able to speak another language.

But often times, I feel like I'm so blessed, it's not fair. That what I'm doing is not contributing to the good of the world.

I don't want to go back to WWE and burn out within four or five months, and having another run as TNA world champion would feel just as good.

The President of the United State is the leader of the free world, and the world has to be able to rely on his or her word, to feel that they have a good moral compass.

I had a pretty good sequence of games at the World Under-18 Championship but our main goal was to win gold there, and we didn't. I'd trade all 20 of my points there for a gold medal, but I feel like I had a pretty good tournament.

Depression is internal. The upswings and downswings have pretty much nothing to do with what's going on in the external world. It's not like something sad happens to you and then you feel sad. Good things happen, but you feel sad anyway.

I feel like nowadays it's almost become a corny thing to say that you want to be a role model or do something good for the world, but the artists I've looked up to - like Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, and Prince - were about something.

I feel real good because it's about representing the young world and how to uplift each other and how to push us to be greater and make sure we don't fall or get trapped or get in trouble, you know what I mean. Stay focused, you know what I mean.

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