I have really great, great parents, and they were very supportive of me.

My parents did a great job of raising me and my brother. Very supportive parents.

You see, that's another thing that my parents gave me: an enormously great sense of humor.

There's a whole bunch of other young parents that are just like me. I need to be a great example.

I think my parents did a great job of reminding me that I wasn't as big a deal as maybe I thought I was at times.

I had great schooling, and my parents were always in front of me, or next to me, or behind me, making sure I had whatever I needed.

I have so many people that I should be thanking, obviously starting with my parents. They did such a great job of raising me and so much was sacrificed for me to play hockey.

We have this obsession with broken homes. Everyone wants to find a problem with it, but not me. I had great homes. Both my parents remarried and I got more people to learn from!

My parents must have done a great job. Anytime I wanted to pursue something that they weren't familiar with, that was not part of their lifestyle, they let me go ahead and do it.

My parents had become adults during the Great Depression, as had many of my aunts and uncles, so I got stories from all of them. They are fastened up inside me, and now and again, they have to come out.

Having one of the highest IQs ever measured is as much a curse as it is a blessing. My parents were great, though: they were always seeking the most difficult presents possible for me - Rubik's cubes and things like that.

I think what shaped me was I had two parents who were scientists, and especially, they were great readers. They had both grown up in sort of rural parts of the South and were oddballs where they grew up. They were budding intellectuals.

Naturally, it was easier for me to envision becoming a novelist than it is for most people. I had two great in-house teachers; I had parents who considered a career in the arts a real possibility rather than a dreamy arrow shot into the sky.

I did swimming, gymnastics, dance, and the acting was just a small part. I didn't have pushy parents; it wasn't forced upon me. They just said, 'See if you like it. If you do, great; if you don't, don't worry about it.' I was really fortunate to have that guidance and supportive parents.

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