And what is the greatest number? Number one.

The secret to success is to offend the greatest number of people.

That country is the richest which nourishes the greatest number of noble and happy human beings.

It is the greatest good to the greatest number of people which is the measure of right and wrong.

The greatest events of history are those which affect the greatest number for the longest periods.

I'm obsessed about lifting the greatest number of Argentines possible out of poverty as quickly as possible.

He is the greatest artist who has embodied, in the sum of his works, the greatest number of the greatest ideas.

The grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms.

I am convinced that only by applying the values of an entrepreneur to philanthropy will you ever be able to meet the needs of the greatest number of people.

If we glance at the most important revolutions in history, we see at once that the greatest number of these originated in the periodical revolutions on the human mind.

To whom does design address itself: to the greatest number, to the specialist of an enlightened matter, to a privileged social class? Design addresses itself to the need.

The theory that can absorb the greatest number of facts, and persist in doing so, generation after generation, through all changes of opinion and detail, is the one that must rule all observation.

Probably the number one position that has the greatest number of players to choose from is receiver. When we're out there recruiting, there are a lot of receivers out there to recruit. It's harder to find defensive players.

But on a utilitarian level, I realize that to try to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number of people, sometimes we have to become salesmen for what we believe, and part of being a salesman is being effective.

I write by stealing time. The hours in the day have never felt as if they belonged to me. The greatest number has belonged to my day job as a physician and professor of medicine - eight to 12 hours, and even more in the early days.

It has been my observation that the happiest of people, the vibrant doers of the world, are almost always those who are using - who are putting into play, calling upon, depending upon-the greatest number of their God-given talents and capabilities.

Playing with Coutinho is easy. He's a very quick player who dribbles well. He knows how to play out wide, and my job is not just to go past and help him: it's also to give the greatest number of passes to him in space around the opposition right-back.

Conservatism vests in and depends on the widespread, informed understanding of human nature, self-governance and the First Principle of Progress: free people interacting in free markets produce the greatest good for the greatest number always, but only, when tethered to virtue and morality.

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