It means the world to me to represent the Hispanic community.

No community values entrepreneurship and small business more than the Hispanic community.

I would like to help out in financial literacy for the Hispanic community and the athletic community.

Education is extremely important to the Hispanic community, as well as faith, and certainly working hard.

Kmart is incredibly supportive of the Hispanic community and is therefore an ideal partner for my exclusive collection.

I feel honored that the Hispanic community in the United States have embraced me. I'm really happy and honored to receive their support.

I think the Hispanic community, the values that resonate in our community, are fundamentally conservative. They are faith, family, patriotism.

Having someone from Washington, California, or Chicago come in as a verifier, it shows the Hispanic community that Hispanic leaders support me.

Look, I think Hispanic community - the values that resonate in our community are fundamentally conservative. They are faith, family and patriotism.

Rap actually took root in the Negro community, and then in the Hispanic community, long before it impacted on the larger American community as a whole.

Our Hispanic community needs to understand how important the Social Security system is for not only its retired citizens, but also its disabled workers.

There is no more an enthusiastic advocate of legal immigration in the U.S. Senate than I am, and that is a message that resonates powerfully in the Hispanic community.

There are plenty of opportunities for common grounds that we need to explore and strengthen. The Hispanic community has a strong affinity for our relationship with Israel.

The prosperity of the United States and the prosperity of the Hispanic community, as the fastest-growing community, are one and the same. The destinies are one and the same.

There used to be a tradition within the Hispanic community that, regardless of your political party, you would support undocumented immigrants. That ended with Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

We in the Hispanic community are truly tired of both the Democrats and the Republicans promising all of these things during the campaigns and then forgetting about it after the campaigns are over.

Hispanic unemployment is higher than the national average and when the federal government is killing small businesses and killing jobs it is hurting the future of the Hispanic community and we need to carry that message.

If the Republican Party works with the Hispanic community, the immigrant community, they're natural allies. People who came to this country are more freedom-loving and more American than people who just happened to be born here.

The Hispanic community values entrepreneurship and family-owned businesses, and we deserve a leader in Washington who is dedicated to creating an environment where our values, our goals and our dreams of prosperity can become reality.

If we're going to be successful and be considered credible in the Hispanic community, we've got to denounce some of the ignorant statements that are made about Hispanics and the contributions we make, whether it's to the military, our nation's economy, or to the history of Texas.

The Hispanic community understands the American Dream and have not forgotten what they were promised - that in the U.S., a free market system, allows us all to succeed economically, achieve stability and security for your family and leave your children better off than yourselves.

I think Hispanic community - the values that resonate in our community are fundamentally conservative. They are faith, family and patriotism. Do you know the rate of military enlistment among Hispanics is higher than any demographic in this country? And they are also hard work and responsibility.

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