For sure, sometimes I don't know what I am doing.

Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry.

There's no advantage to hurrying through life." -Shikamaru Nara

But at my back I always hear Time's winged chariot hurrying near.

Hurrying and delaying are alike ways of trying to resist the present.

All this hurrying soon will be over. Only when we tarry do we touch the holy.

With a novel, there is no hurrying it. You're constantly walking into the unknown.

The day of my birth, my death began its walk. It is walking toward me, without hurrying.

Since the day of my birth, my death began its walk. It is walking toward me, without hurrying.

Indeed it is better to postpone, lest either we complete too little by hurrying, or wander too long in completing it.

When your opponent is hurrying recklessly, you must act contrarily and keep calm. You must not be influenced by the opponent.

When from our better selves we have too long been parted by the hurrying world, and droop. Sick of its business, of its pleasures tired, how gracious, how benign is solitude.

Right now, I'm hankering for new adventures... Ninety percent of the time I'm having romantic-comedy fantasies in which I'm wearing little pencil skirts and hurrying down to the subway.

What was any art but a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose.

Finding the real joy of Christmas comes not in the hurrying and the scurrying to get more done, nor is it found in the purchasing of gifts. We find real joy when we make the Savior the focus of the season.

I think sometimes I'm more fond of doing the research for the character because you learn so much. Sometimes shooting is really difficult because you wake up early and you're always hurrying. And sometimes I don't know what I'm doing. I'm here and there.

Sometimes it takes a wake-up call, doesn't it, to alert us to the fact that we're hurrying through our lives instead of actually living them; that we're living the fast life instead of the good life. And I think, for many people, that wake-up call takes the form of an illness.

I try to swim once or twice a week. I basically hold my breath for, like, 12 laps, down and back, to kind of expand my lungs so that I can have better breathing when it comes down to two-minute drives where you've got to play a lot of plays all in one series and you're hurrying up.

'Woman on the Plaza,' with its distinct horizon, snow-like surfaces, wintry wall, stunning sunlight, sharp shadows, and hurrying figure, would become the most biographical of my photographs - an abstract image of the landscape and life of northern Ohio where I grew up and first practiced photography.

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