Sometimes art helps illuminate science.

Any great art is meant to illuminate the human condition.

There's power in turning to the past to illuminate the current state of things.

Art has the power to transform, to illuminate, to educate, inspire and motivate.

Clever people master life; the wise illuminate it and create fresh difficulties.

Financial crises are like fireworks: they illuminate the sky even as they go pop.

When I'm writing, I'm never trying to teach anything - maybe I'm trying to illuminate.

I think a sequel is a waste of money and time. I think movies should illuminate new stories.

Patriotism. Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name.

The more accurately one can illuminate a particular human experience, the better the work of art.

The human condition is the human condition, and what we try to do is illuminate the human condition.

My job is not to get an award. My job is to illuminate people about something that they should know.

To most men experience is like the stern lights of a ship, which illuminate only the track it has passed.

I like to think of 'Illuminate' as the mature version of the previous one, a year older, more experience.

I like the way that psychological extremity can illuminate more 'normal' characters by forcing a comparison.

Better to illuminate than merely to shine, to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate.

It's really about the work - if you are doing it for the right reasons - really to illuminate the human condition.

It may be that our cosmic curiosity... is a genetically-encoded force that we illuminate when we look up and wonder.

To be a Miss World is to carry a burning torch. It is like action carried out by one to illuminate the lives of many.

The questions which one asks oneself begin, at least, to illuminate the world, and become one's key to the experience of others.

I have two little black boys. And a film like 'Do the Right Thing' can help illuminate the times for them with great storytelling.

I want to bring light to my music, to women all over the world. I want to illuminate them with power and a voice, to feel special.

If I want to do a contour, Tom Ford's Shade and Illuminate is great. It also feels really nice on the skin and looks really natural.

I've trained myself to illuminate the things in my personality that are likable and to hide and protect the things that are less likeable.

To tell a good story and to illuminate the world: the two things are completely linked. That is the point. That is what I've always wanted to do.

I really have to be in a specific headspace to even begin to illuminate an idea that would create another Bon Iver record, and I'm just not there.

The only obligation you have as a film-maker is to tell your version of the truth and to use your film to illuminate reality. Whatever that means.

Analogies, in particular, can illuminate, but they can also obscure and confuse. They need to be handled carefully, like rhetorical high explosives.

I read novels for entertainment rather than for edification, so I tend not to read the sort of novels that are said to illuminate the human condition.

I can't speak for the other authors, but what I hoped to achieve was to illuminate certain corners of the Lucas universe that hadn't yet been explored.

The most conventional romantic trope of all is that you put lovers under extreme pressure, where they have to make decisions that illuminate aspects of that bond.

Strip makeup lights just don't give you a fighting chance no matter how good looking you are. Light sconces that flank the mirror illuminate your entire face evenly.

We really have the power to illuminate all negative things in our life, but we have to find that light source inside of us and really tap in with it and reconnect with it.

An adaptation leads the cinema-goer to the original to find out what they're missing and if they already know the book, it can still illuminate a theme, a character, an idea.

Above all, a well-imagined story is organized around extraordinary human behaviors and unexpected and startling events, which help illuminate the commonplace and the ordinary.

Every song in 'Groundhog Day' works to forward the story in a chronological, narrative sense, to illuminate the state of mind of the person singing it and comment on the world.

Most public polling continues to be reported on strictly from a topline, horserace-type perspective that does nothing, or at best very little, to illuminate the news of the day.

The goal of the moderator is to illuminate the views of the candidates on the issues that matter the most to voters, and you don't need to be on the side of the party to do that.

That's part of the requirement for me to be an artist is that you're trying to share your personal existence with others and trying to illuminate modern life, trying to understand life.

When you go home, fill the house with joy so that the light of it will stream out the windows and doors and illuminate even the darkness. It is just as easy that way as any in the world.

Real stories - whether in pure fiction or historical - have a certain indefinable power; we are endlessly curious about the past and hungry for learning that we hope will illuminate the present.

My whole reason for creating a network is literally to bring little pieces of light. It's to continue to spread little pieces of light in the world, to illuminate the possibility of the human spirit.

When I was in '97, I didn't know I was in a very major moment. But with the privilege of reflection, I do. And that's what artists should do - they should help illuminate and reflect the human condition.

It's what Shakespeare's mission was - to illuminate our thoughts and struggles and bring about the possibility of getting the most we can out of a day as opposed to least in this brief moment we're here.

I look to historians for their power to illuminate not just the invisible lineaments of the present, but also that which is not present. What are the roads that were not taken that most shape our own time?

At the 'Guardian,' we have a special relationship with our readers. This relationship is not just about the news; it's about a shared sense of purpose and a commitment to understand and illuminate our times.

What I like to do when I get to a new place is buy local music early on and listen to it while we're driving around. I think it helps explain and illuminate the culture of where you are if local music is playing.

Those who know Neymar know his great quality and how special he is. And I insist again, we have to take care of players like that; they illuminate football. It's players like him that make football have any sense.

With EarthEcho Expedition: Acid Apocalypse, we are working with youth leaders and noted experts on the changing chemistry of our ocean to help illuminate one of our most pressing and inscrutable environmental issues.

I'm trying to illuminate how perilously narrow we draw the concepts of masculinity and sexuality in our male culture - particularly in black male culture - and to help people to see that there's room enough for everyone.

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