I believe in being an innovator.

I'm not a pirate. I'm an innovator.

Apple has long been a leading innovator of mobile technology; I myself own an iPhone.

He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator.

I make a timeless music. I think I've made my mark as a lyricist and as an innovator and as a tastemaker.

My advice for any entrepreneur or innovator is to get into the food industry in some form so you have a front-row seat to what's going on.

He was an original, an innovator, and his influence will forever live on in our culture. Whether they know it or not, all DJs have been influenced by him. Thank you, DJ AM.

I have to tell you that J.S. Bach was easily the greatest musical innovator in the history of the world. He was so advanced for his time. There's a spiritual depth to his music. You can listen to it and it's like meditation.

Few incumbents will succeed in deploying blockchain applications to enable new business models. The innovator's dilemma will prevail. Even if they aspire to, they must first get their feet wet within their business boundaries.

In many ways I just did not fit the mold of a 1970s high tech innovator. I was not white, I was not working for the military or for a defense contractor, and I must have seemed too young and too naive to stand up for the truth.

Under normal conditions the research scientist is not an innovator but a solver of puzzles, and the puzzles upon which he concentrates are just those which he believes can be both stated and solved within the existing scientific tradition.

When people hear the phrase 'risk-taker', two images come to mind. One is the negative idea of someone who's reckless and unpredictable, sometimes succeeding and at other times crashing out. The other is a more positive view of a fearless innovator who takes risks when others nervously stand back.

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