I’m not afraid of dying. Pieces of me die all the time.

I’m not afraid of dying. Pieces of me die all the time.

Tour is fun.

I love physics.

I'm an alpha male.

I'm an animal lover.

Music is my therapy.

I drink a lot of juice.

Music is forever changing.

I believe in smart people.

I'm a believer in air bags.

I am a failed visual artist.

One day it'll all make sense.

For me, my life is a journey.

My style is forever changing.

Nirvana is my favourite band.

All that glisters is not gold.

'The Venture Bros' are my jam.

I believe I am of the natural.

I really like 'Game of Thrones.

Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.

Everything is a blessing to me.

Chess is a game of stimulation.

Oh, hip hop is always changing.

New York can be a tad stressful.

Put on your adidas and step off.

So inane-I cause Colon Blow pain

Big dreams turn into big things.

I'm in love, with a higher love!

Music is the universal language.

These Days I'm feeling real good.

My ears are shot. I'm a musician.

I create art. It's kinda abstract.

I'd pick fortune over fame any day.

Now is our time to change the world

I was obsessed with Philip K. Dick.

I grew up working class in Atlanta.

There's no racism with the Internet.

New York is the hometown I represent.

Rap is supposed to scare soccer moms.

I used to be a daredevil on BMX bikes.

People who are scared don't live life.

I don't hate Jay-Z. I think he's dope.

There's always stuff to rebel against.

As you grow and get older, you evolve.

I've been homeless on a few occasions.

You’ll never progress if you never try

Jail was terrible. It was a nightmare.

I think K-Pop is a type of expression.

It's all positive energy from me, man.

Why try to fit in when you a stand out?

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