People don't like to see instability.

I've found that instability from growth comes in waves.

No nation should stoke instability in its neighbor's country.

Hillary Clinton means devastation. It means world instability.

I think there's a lot of mental instability in this whole country.

The markets don't like instability and they don't like uncertainty.

One of the hardest lessons of childhood is reckoning with the instability of the world.

So, there is enormous instability in the global economy with a shift of winners and losers.

As signs of climate instability increase, radical and rapid action is becoming ever more urgent.

Beijing, much as it has done with Hong Kong, persists in equating 'people power' with instability.

Working lives are for the state to influence. Unemployment makes people unhappy. So does instability.

We think that Kosovo will continue to serve as a centre of violence and regional instability in future.

Myself is thus and so, and will continue thus and so. And why fight it? My balance comes from instability.

The literature associating inequality with social instability and poor health outcomes is pretty convincing.

I was and am an ardent environmentalist and I am terrified of the instability that climate change will bring.

Investors avoid investing in a region where some elements cause political instability by their so-called movements.

Historically, gold has always been a safe haven against inflation and a safe haven in times of political instability.

The financial instability and sometimes insecurity that families feel, deeply motivates how they respond politically.

Ironically, Latin American countries, in their instability, give writers and intellectuals the hope that they are needed.

It's hard to throw the football when you have some instability at quarterback or if you don't have the weapons around you.

Markets don't like instability, investors shy away from uncertainty, and consumer confidence goes down in difficult times.

As discomfiting as it is to both market optimists and policy activists, a certain amount of instability is inherent to the economy.

As foreign minister of Norway, I learnt how natural changes provoked by climate change are creating new sources of political instability.

Torture remains unacceptable and unjustified at all times, including during states of emergency, political instability, or even in a war.

England is so dominant within the U.K. that separate English and U.K. parliaments and governments are a recipe for weakness and instability.

The global economic outlook remains fragile and uncertain. Global economic imbalances persist and we must address them or risk future instability.

The country is indebted, cloaked by an instability that discards the possibility of development and leaves it hostage to foreign financial markets.

Research suggests that large divisions of income and wealth weaken demand and generate economic imbalances that create instability and undermine growth.

Social immobility is driven by family background, instability in childhood and often by parents who don't know how to give children the right start in life.

Rebuilding Afghanistan is not going to be solved by pouring billions in. Getting rid of the Taliban does not rid us of the problems of fundamentalism and instability.

As Ethiopia goes, so goes the whole Horn of Africa - a region where instability can have major security and humanitarian implications for the United States and Europe.

If our nation wants to reduce global warming, air pollution and energy instability, we should invest only in the best energy options. Nuclear energy isn't one of them.

Pakistan's political instability is its greatest vulnerability, and a decline in U.S. power would reduce America's ability to aid Pakistan's consolidation and development.

The Great Depression, like most other periods of severe unemployment, was produced by government mismanagement rather than by any inherent instability of the private economy.

Anyone who follows the Middle East and Islamic world in general can't deny it is often a very violent place, that a band of instability now stretches from Algeria to Pakistan.

I do have a sense of displacement as constant instability - the uninterrupted existence of everything that I love and care about is not guaranteed at all. I wait for catastrophes.

Look at a map of the world: the countries which do not trade much, or which trade only in oil and gas, tend to be in regions which suffer the most social and political instability.

Both the Venezuelan and American people will be better served by a negotiated solution between Maduro and Guaido than by a conflict that leads to increased instability and violence.

Everybody wants to see Ukraine - one of the largest countries in Europe - stable with a stable economic situation, because instability in Ukraine can bring instability in the whole region.

We should have been there shoulder to shoulder with our allies. Our concern is the instability of our government as an ally. We are playing again with national and global security matters.

Abject poverty, political instability, torture, and other abuses push thousands across our border. There is not a deterrent imaginable that equals the conditions that force their migration.

Previous efforts to eradicate malaria failed for several reasons, including political instability and technical challenges in delivering resources, especially in certain countries in Africa.

People are looking for stability in a shaky world. They want something they can get hold of that's firm and sure and an anchor in the midst of all of this instability in which they're living.

If we have major geographic areas within our continent that have a tremendous lack of economic opportunity, we found that that is going to produce instability _ economic, political and social.

The international order established at the end of World War II could certainly have been worse. However, this order did contain certain factors which bore within them the seeds of instability.

In my view - which could be wrong, but it is my field - there is no better formula for social instability than to divide a society between two ascribed characteristics that are seen as opposite.

History is full of examples of people who clamp down after they began to enjoy too much freedom. Freedom can lead to instability, anarchy, and confusion. So there can be a moral counter-revolution.

I understand how every healthy child, every new road, puts a country on a better path, but instability and war will arise from time to time, and I'm not an expert on how you get out of those things.

The aging process is totally minimizing. Life in general is pretty minimizing because you have a lot of big ideas, and you have to battle the mistaken delusions and instability that come with youth.

The positive news is that the British economy is continuing to grow and is creating jobs. And it is positive news too that at a time of real international instability we are a safe haven in the storm.

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