The Iranian regime doesn't express the wishes and values of the Iranian people.

The international community is unwilling to accept the policies of the Iranian regime.

Since 1979, the majority of victims of the Iranian regime have been the Iranian people themselves.

The Iranian regime, in my mind, is the single most enduring threat to stability and peace in the Middle East.

We have told the Iranian regime countless times, do not confuse President Trump's strategic patience with weakness.

The Iranian regime should know that we will hold them accountable for any actions that their Shia militias take in Iraq.

The Iranian regime continues to violate the human rights of its own people, targeting political and civil society activists.

We must not allow the Iranian regime to use the nation's vast energy resource as a financial pipeline for its nuclear ambitions.

I have strong sentiments toward Iran, since I distinguish between the Iranian regime and the Iranian people. I highly esteem Iranian music and culture.

We are a primary target for the Iranian regime... We won't wait for the battle to be in Saudi Arabia. Instead, we'll work so that the battle is for them in Iran.

As a result of the billions of dollars flowing into Iran after the JCPOA, the Iranian regime is able to increase its support to terrorist group groups like Hezbollah.

The problem with the Iranian regime, of course is, one, its unsettling effects on the Sunnis, particularly Saudi Arabia, and, secondly, its potential threat to Israel.

The Iranian regime has been terrorizing the Middle East for 40 years. They've been the aggressor for 40 years. And finally this president, President Donald J. Trump, said 'enough is enough.'

The Iranian regime gives financial support to terrorist organizations all over the world, denies the Holocaust, and calls for the wiping the state of Israel from the map, while developing long-range missiles and trying to obtain nuclear weapon.

In the past 30 years, officials of the Iranian regime and its apologists have labeled criticism, especially with regard to women's rights, as anti-Islamic and pro-Western, justifying its brutalities by ascribing them to Islam and Iran's culture.

We can pursue peaceful diplomacy with the Iranian regime while also continuing our maximum economic pressure campaign, while also defending ourselves... To say that it's a war with Iran or nothing is just a fundamental misunderstanding of how foreign policy actually works.

The Iranian regime suppresses its own people as well as others in the region. It prevents peace by sponsoring terror globally. With the ultimate weapon that it is deceptively developing, the regime aims to gain hegemony over the entire Middle East and hold the world's economy hostage.

It is one of the great ironies of the American war in Iraq - was that the guys who really got the most out of it were the Iranians. And they have us to thank for that. Yeah, I mean we basically put Maliki in power in 2006, but he has been - he's really not a friend of the United States. He's a friend of the Iranian regime.

I have studied the details, listened to Ohioans on all sides of this issue, and consulted with nuclear experts. This deal is not about trusting the Iranian regime, but instead working with our allies on comprehensive, verifiable restrictions to block Iran's pathways to a nuclear bomb without precipitating another war in the Middle East.

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