Is now the time to legalize prostitution?

Some things are easier to legalize than to legitimate.

If somebody invented cigarettes today, the government would not legalize them.

If we stand idly by while states legalize bigotry, we are responsible for allowing it to happen.

We don't seem to be able to check crime, so why not legalize it and then tax it out of business?

You cannot contract to sell a baby. If they legalize this contract they may soon start bringing poor women in from other countries just to be breeders.

Here's the point - you're looking at affirmative action, and you're looking at marijuana. You legalize marijuana, no need for quotas, because really, who's gonna wanna work?

If I ran for president, the first thing I'd do is legalize everyone who's been here paying taxes, working, paying taxes. Mothers and fathers of kids born in the U.S. should get a green card.

I'm not coming in as an advocate of sports gambling. I'm trying to be more of a realist to say it's going on in a massive way... and I think the right course would be therefore to legalize it and regulate it.

It would be a sign of society changing if we did finally legalize prostitution. Once it's legal, it doesn't mean your daughter's going to run out and be a ho. The more we sort of bring these things into the light, you bring these hidden vices into the light, the less power they have over our society. You make it legal, it tends to go away.

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