Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.

I think being beautiful is only one aspect of your life.

Kids are the most beautiful beings that can come into your life.

Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.

It's just kind of empowering when you become a mother. You just get overwhelmed with this new confidence and you feel really in control of your life. It's been beautiful.

The flesh and bone leg is just beautiful. It's elegant. You know, when it's working, it's incredible. But if it's not working, well, you know, your life is certainly far from over.

Tattoos are like stories - they're symbolic of the important moments in your life. Sitting down, talking about where you got each tattoo and what it symbolizes, is really beautiful.

I look back on my 20s. It's supposed to be the prime of your life, the most vital, the most beautiful. But you're making your critical decisions and sometimes your most critical mistakes.

I'm exactly where I want to be - we live out here on the James River outside Richmond. I have three ponds, and we catch the biggest, most beautiful bass you've ever looked at in your life.

You think life is a beautiful thing, and you've got to live accordingly. You've got to magnify all your better feelings and better urges and better conscious ideas, and that's your life's evolvement.

My theory on life is that life is beautiful. Life doesn't change. You have a day, and a night, and a month, and a year. We people change - we can be miserable or we can be happy. It's what you make of your life.

It's not like I want to hop on a bandwagon, because I said it 15 years ago - bringing a child into your life who is not genetically yours is one of the most beautiful things you can do. But I'm also interested in having my own baby, too.

Standing on soil feels so much different than standing on city pavement; it lets you look inward and reflect and see who you really are, while you see a beautiful, unspoiled land as far as the eye can see. It allows your inner life to grow.

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