That's the story of life - when you start enjoying people, it's always too late.

I've spent my whole life not talking to people, and I don't see why I should start now.

It seems older people maximize their well-being more - they start to realize that life is short.

I think you start in middle life to recognize your vulnerabilities, if you're lucky. You admit them and people find that interesting.

People want to protect their way of life, and when they think it's in danger they start grasping for more extreme-seeming alternatives.

I think that if you start teaching about giving back and helping other people young, that will be a given for your child their whole life.

You get into your late fifties, people start falling like flies all around you. I don't take life for granted any more. I'm really glad to be here.

I was very serene, and I still am, until I start talking in another voice, then suddenly I have a lot of volume and I'm frantic. But I didn't want to be one of those people who's always talking in accents in real life, so I started doing sketch comedy.

I think when you get into your 30s, you start to realize all of the patterns you have in your life and all of the stuff that you're avoiding. It's a terribly unsung period in people's lives. I can't think about many artists who have sung about it, because it's so not sexy.

My major regret in life is not going to university, though not for the qualification I would have gained. People I know who went there have a working method where they sit down and get something done; they know how to start and get on with things. I will do anything to avoid getting on with stuff.

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