I always say this: 'In life, truth is on your side.'

Truth is always exciting. Speak it, then; life is dull without it.

The truth is always exciting. Speak it, then. Life is dull without it.

What is laid down, ordered, factual is never enough to embrace the whole truth: life always spills over the rim of every cup.

I always wish I had a road map for how to navigate my life as a parent and a producer, but in truth, it's a lot of trial and error.

I've always told the truth. I've often been wrong - but I've never knowingly lied. Not in public life. Because I don't see the need to.

We need to live our truth. We need to discover ourselves. And no matter how much you prepare for everything, life will always find a way to surprise you.

Castro has lived almost his entire life as a clandestine revolutionary. To such figures, truth is always malleable, always subservient to political goals.

Life as a barrister never was terribly real to me, and courtrooms were always a place of fantasy to me. They had nothing to do with discovering the truth, really, of course.

I have always felt that the truth is prophetic, and that if you describe precisely what you see and give it life with your imagination, then what you write ought to have lasting value, no matter what the mood of your prose.

The older that we get and the different stages we go through in life, it seems like we become different people. But I think that the truth is you are always the same person. You just discover these new things about yourself.

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