This life is messy.

I swim three times a week.

[Pigeons are] rats with wings.

Everyone changes all the time.

Psephology isn't a hate crime.

My main income is from speaking.

The civil service are risk averse.

Politics is not a healthy lifestyle.

I've never declined to do an interview.

I refuse not to have a sense of humour.

I grew up in a house with very few books.

Jewish voters are not one homogenous block.

If Voting Changed Anything They'd Abolish It

If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it.

Most kids dont get to go their parents wedding.

I am not against Israel, I am against Zionists.

Well, I mean, I'm very much a pragmatic person.

Most people wouldn't want to marry a politician.

Most kids don't get to go their parents' wedding.

I have opened newspapers and read incredible lies.

I have no interest in managing my financial affairs.

Every budget I have ever prepared has been balanced.

The truth is, no one pays more tax than they have to.

My only regret is the media's obsession with the past.

I never came into life with any favours or privileges.

I'm an emotional person; I do occasionally shed a tear.

What do we do about climate change bearing down upon us?

I loathe and detest all this trivialisation of politics.

I go all around London advocating lesbian and gay rights.

The whole culture of my background was deeply Conservative.

You lose power in Britain and you are just Joe Public again.

I would like all newspapers to become workers' co-operatives.

My political beliefs are my moral, quasi-religious framework.

Most politicians aren't allowed to express themselves any more.

If you are running a city you must focus on day-to-day problems.

I liked it when we had ugly politicians who droned on about issues.

I can easily lose myself emotionally in absolute Hollywood garbage.

There isn't much about my life that's been particularly conventional.

I am a socialist, a believer in rational thought and the rule of law.

I have met the people who run the world, and I am not in awe of them.

You cannot just have a socialist revolution in Norwood and nowhere else.

Working with the Jewish community is essential to me and what I stand for.

Everyone is bisexual. Almost everyone has the sexual potential for anything.

I think it's much more important to keep people in work than have pay rises.

I'm in exactly the same position as everybody else who has a small business.

Only some ghastly dehumanised moron would want to get rid of the Routemaster.

Anybody who enjoys being in the House of Commons probably needs psychiatric help.

Polling in a general election is pretty accurate, because turnout is usually high.

I don't work hard enough. If I had worked harder I might have been prime minister.

World wide capitalism kills more people everyday then Hitler did. And he was crazy.

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