If you are the one who is dumped, then you feel like your life is over.

Self-esteem is crucial to how much or how little contentment you feel at the end of your life.

You should run your life not by the calendar but how you feel, and what you're interests are and ambitions.

Nobody should feel like they can force themselves into your life how it suits them when it's toxic and unwanted.

I feel like everything comes into your life for a reason. With 'Awake,' I got to do a drama, and with 'Anger Management,' that's my comedy.

Be who you are. It's easy to feel like you have to blend in, but it takes courage to live your life with conviction and embrace the person that you are.

The thing about fame is, you want it your whole life, but no matter how bright you are, no one ever asks themselves why they want fame. You never really know what it is until you have it. You can never tangibly feel your own fame.

I think there is something for all of us where you find a balance in your life, where you feel that everything you do isn't about your own creature comforts or satisfying your own appetites. Some of it has to be directed outward and there is a huge satisfaction in that.

I think your 20s are the hardest part of life. I mean, everyone goes on about how hard it is to be a teenager, but actually I think it's tougher to be in your 20s because you're expected to be a grownup and expected to earn your own living and be successful and I think you feel like a kid still.

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