Everyone loves puppets.

When in doubt, freak 'em out.

I function because I am on drugs.

I look spooky but I’m really nice.

A drag queen on time is not a drag queen.

Drag culture has always been about excess.

Dead things should be buried and not eaten.

I like work that pushes the barrier of bad taste.

I represent a kind of underground, punk side of drag.

I'm obsessed with celebrities and fame. I always will be.

I'm obsessed with media and news. I could watch it all day.

I'm kind of against car culture - I've always been a cyclist.

I've always loved Salem, and I love the title of Scream Queen.

Monster Mash' is one of those great, throwback Halloween songs.

The great thing about being a woman is the power of reinvention.

If anyone boos you offstage, that is simply applause from ghosts.

Discrimination must always be drawn out, like venom from the wound.

You can't open your presents 'til you write your thank-you letters.

I'm the sort of person who wants to wear a wedding dress to a wedding.

If anyone ever boos you off stage, that is simply applause from ghosts.

Politics remind me a lot of 'RuPaul's Drag Race.' It's real but it isn't.

In the past, when I lacked designer duds, I simply relied on my hot glue gun.

I've always toyed around with creating over-the-top lady characters in my head.

I find doppelgangers terrifying... can you imagine two of me?! Now that's scary!

I remember when I wore UFO raver jeans in the 90s. Or my JNCOs! I miss my JNCOs.

Drag queens don't work well outside. We're designed for spotlights, not sunlight.

It sounds odd, but it's almost hard to find a piece of negative press about myself.

The most powerful woman I know is my mother, and she doesn't wear any make up at all.

My brain is a great fashion designer. Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to do it.

Sharon Needles was based on two things: That she was beautiful and that she was stupid.

I acknowledge that I have no idea who the hell I am, and I think that's the first step.

Two people live within me. One's a very savvy businessperson; the other's a party girl.

It seems like no one has friends in New York, they just have collaborators or co-workers.

If I had to pick between Heaven and Hell, I'd pick Hell, because I can't keep white clean.

When making your ass, always draw the shape of Africa. Or as Latrice would say, the homeland.

Love is the one thing everyone is looking for, and death is the one thing everyone's running from.

When your hobby becomes a full-time job that pays you and the people around you, it's not fun anymore.

I love Halloween. I mean, yes, I consider every day to be Halloween, but it's a very special day for me.

I can't speak for all queens, but Sharon Needles is definitely a different entity from me as Aaron Coady.

Love is a universal thing that everyone understands. Love, like death, is the only thing that binds humanity.

PG-13' is kind of a scattered, almost movie soundtrack album, with elements of punk and metal and electronica.

Love is a universal, attractive element. And other than death, love is the one thing that binds all of humanity.

Call Me On The Ouija Board' is homage not just to horror movies involving children, but my favorites as a child.

I'm kind of a hokey-jokey, campy idiot in black lipstick, but when it comes to my music, I take it very seriously.

I consider myself a very passionate person, so as much fun as I like to have, I'm also the biggest asshole I know.

I don't socialize in drag anymore. If I'm in drag, I'm usually onstage or in the dressing room or in a car service.

It seems I am more beloved on a reality show from an extended cable network than I am in social circles in my own city.

I wrote my first album almost as an entitled child. 'Taxidermy' is written by a much more precarious, untrusting adult.

I think that the attraction to camp is its irreverence, it's strange, it in no way reflects reality while using real characters.

I did drag out of necessity. I had to do it... I had to create this other character because - because she's cheaper than therapy.

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