My children are delightful people, whom I would love even if they weren't my children.

People in China say: 'If you love your children, send them to New York. If you hate your children, also send them to New York.'

I realized relatively early on that I had no desire to be a mother whatsoever. I actually love children, but specifically other people's.

Before children, even the most cynical people throw down their usual masks and become capable of feeling the purity and love which all human beings seek.

I love to feature children and young adults as real people - flawed, naive, virtuous, venal - but real. I think it adds nuance and depth to the stories that wouldn't exist without them.

I see that children fill the existential hollowness many people feel; that when we have children, we know they will need us, and maybe love us, but we don't have a clue how hard it is going to be.

Those who do not cherish affection for their parents, spouses and children and for their homes, villages and workplaces cannot love their country and fellow people; they can never become genuine patriots.

The first two actors we cast were Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen. Because we started so highbrow, we were able to get anyone. Plus, some of these people have children, and their kids love 'X-Men.' They'll do it because of them - that's our little extra ace in the hole.

As I got older, I learned about how some people treated their transgender children, and I was shocked. I couldn't understand how someone would leave their child and throw them on the street. I was always taught you give your kid unconditional love and if you don't, something's wrong with you, for real.

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