I have my family, my loved ones and they love me for who I am.

Everyone feels like family and I am back in the city that I love.

I love my husband so much. I love our family. I love our dynamic. I'm proud to be in the relationship that I am because it's based on love. Pure love.

I love to cook. I love having friends over and family. I am definitely a feeder - I feed everybody. I am jumping around the kitchen like a crazy woman.

I love being around my family. I am very close to my mum, my brother, my grandmother, my aunts - we constantly poke fun at each other, but it's all done out of love.

I know the importance of family. I mean, it really completes me as a person. I want lots of children; I want so many children. I look at babies' pictures, and I am like... I love kids.

The problem is there's still a big kid inside me who likes to have fun. I am passionate about my cricket and I love my family, but I'm also a kid and maybe I need to grow up... And maybe I don't.

What is interesting about me isn't that I am a mother, it is who I am. I love my family, but if I just talk to you about being a mother, it's boring. I am sorry, but it's reducing who I really am, and it's really boring.

I leave CNN with the utmost respect, love and admiration for the company and everyone who works here. This has been my family and shared endeavor for the past 27 years, and I am forever grateful and proud of all that we have accomplished.

I want someone who will love me for the person I am and not because of my status. It has to be someone who understands the pressure of playing for India. It will be very difficult to be with a person who has her own career because someone has to make sacrifices for the family and house.

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