Whatever else is unsure in this stinking dunghill of a world a mother's love is not.

After I got all the love and support from my family then I knew I could go out and conquer the world, I guess.

All the adults in my family were actors, so there wasn't much else in terms of role models. I fell in love with that world, being backstage at the theatre.

When you come out of the storms and sub-zero temperatures into a tiny yurt, there's a sense that family love and care is the most important thing in the world.

I would definitely like to start a family because it's the most important thing in the world and what you should take care of, along with your friends and the people you love.

A big reason why I fell in love with Jenna was how much she cherishes her family. And my family means the world to me. Our families are very different but the common denominator is love.

It's important to have people around who love themselves, are true to themselves, who have their own hobbies and their world doesn't revolve around Hollywood. I can always go to my family with any doubts or questions I may have.

There is nothing in this world that I love more than my family. To be able to share the joy of running with them at the Runner's World Half Marathon and Running Festival where we can all participate together is as close as you can get to a perfect weekend.

I think there's a lot of different kinds of love: not just between a boyfriend and girlfriend, but love with your family, love with the people around you. I think that's really important and, I think, would really be a good thing for the world and make a better world for everybody.

Looking back, I got the bed I wanted and I lay in it. I didn't want to go to America. If you want to join that world, you have to go and live there, and that was something I could not have done. I am very much about family. It doesn't matter where I live, but I feel very needful of my people around me. Besides, theatre is my first love.

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