People would say I am almost narcissistic because I really love the way I look when I tan.

I love getting on You Tube to look at the old comics. I am in my element seeing guys like Jack Benny and Phil Silvers give interviews.

I am a huge fan of Reese Witherspoon, and I always get told that I look like her little sister. So I would love to play her little sister one day.

I'd love to look incredibly glamorous, but I am a wholesome, comforting nanny type: I think I look like an advertisement for wholemeal flour or something.

To be honest, I'm in love with denim. It hasn't been my go-to Lion Babe look, but it's very much my 'everyday Jillian look.' I am in denim every single day.

For me, I like that, how do you say, bohemian sort of look. Baggy sweaters to really fitted pants - I love Rick Owens's stuff, for example. I am really into that kind of grungy style.

I love documentaries and the computer. I am a little addicted to the computer, and that relaxes me. I find information, I shop, and I look up people I worked with to find out if they're dead or alive.

The person I am every single day is the person that's growing and getting better. The more people look up to me, the more important it is to be concise with what message I want to leave. That's where I feel like I'm a role model. Maybe not to everyone, but for a lot of minorities, I am, and I kinda love that - the role model for the underdog.

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