I hate being human.

I want to stop Brexit.

I am a chocolate fiend.

So, how did you all meet?

I'm a real American baby!

'Normal bloke' is my style.

Oh my God! It's a blackout!

Deep down inside, I am lazy.

I'm an absolute daddy's girl.

Life isn't a dress rehearsal.

I don't look like Susan Boyle!

Don't hunt what you can't kill

Why can't I beat up John Cena?

The more publicity the better.

I prefer pub food to posh food.

Nobody should eat too much cake.

Nobody can compare to my parents.

Funerals should celebrate a life.

Anger has been ready to be angry.

I love feeling strong and capable.

If it ain't baroque, don't fax it.

My goal is to have a Firm Britain.

I used to have a gambling problem.

Be kinder. Kindness is underrated!

We know you're stashing him, Cena!

I'm definitely up for having a baby.

I'm totally fine with being 'sexual.

I cry at births and not at funerals.

I definitely used to be a party girl.

I have no intention of taking a break

Too much apology doubles the offense.

Sophistication is upscale conformity.

I've not worn underwear for 20 years.

Shawn Michaels has left the building.

So this is what SmackDown looks like.

I've never been particularly maternal.

Bridget Jones has a lot to answer for.

You can't have your kayak and heat it.

I don't have any quarrel with the BBC.

I can't resist temptation of any kind.

The Welsh... I mean, what are they for?

I don't want to offend or upset people.

I was so nervous before going out there

I'm an optimist - very glass half-full.

It doesn't worry me how I'm remembered.

I hate being alone, even for 10 minutes.

It's literally murder on the dancefloor.

I like dogs because they are not humans.

Earth heals me better than any medicine.

I was an intellectual groupie. Still am.

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