Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do.

Love is not only something you feel, it is something you do.

Love is the same as like except you feel sexier.

I can only know what love is insofar as I can feel it.

Love is about what you feel and I feel that about my dance and my acting.

Love is kind, right? It's not about calling someone out on every little thing you feel.

Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.

Writing on 'Love' is so steeped in self-analysis. The writer's room can feel like therapy.

Love is when the desire to be desired takes you so badly that you feel you could die of it.

But love is really more of an interactive process. It's about what we do not just what we feel. It's a verb, not a noun.

My definition of love is being full. Complete. It makes everything lighter. Beauty is something you see. Love is something you feel.

What love is depends on where you are in relation to it. Secure in it, it can feel as mundane and necessary as air - you exist within it, almost unnoticing. Deprived of it, it can feel like an obsession; all consuming - a physical pain.

Love is probably the strongest emotion that you can feel. It's very natural - and I wouldn't want to say easy - but natural and comfortable to write about, and there's so many different forms of it, millions of layers - you could write forever about it.

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