I love my red hair. It makes me spunkier.

My hair is a safety net for me, so I love to have it down and full and relaxed.

I was at a premiere, and these girls blurted out, 'We love your hair!' That made me laugh.

It's brilliant to me, I absolutely love having red hair. I love being ginger and I love my specific colouring.

I love to roll out of bed and throw something on. I had this roommate in college who would get up almost 2 hours before class to do hair and makeup. That's not for me.

I didn't love my hair when I was a child. It was lighter than my skin, which made me not love it so much. I was really kind of envious of girls with thicker, longer, more lush hair.

My hair is always the same. It's wavy, so I brush it with a round brush. I'm a brush fanatic. I hoard brushes. I love getting my hair brushed. I will ask my friends to brush my hair for me.

On 'Love Actually,' I met Hugh Grant, who is a relative: our great-grandmothers were sisters. He'd call me cousin and ruffle my hair. And it was brilliant working with David Tennant on 'Doctor Who.'

I kind of have a strange addiction to hair dryers. Like on the TV show, where they eat toilet paper or eat the wall or something - I'm addicted to hair dryers. Since I was 8 years old, I've used them to fall asleep. I love the white noise. I love the heat. It just puts me right to sleep.

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