I love indie movies - I feel they can really allow you to develop a character.

My very favorite costumed character I've played would be Abe Sapien from the 'Hell Boy' movies. I love this guy.

I like doing character movies. I like doing movies about personal situations; that's what I love about dealing with things.

I always wanted to be a character actor. I love watching movies where you don't recognize someone because they're so lost in the part.

I'd love to get into one of Tyler Perry's movies - play a little role, have a little character. I don't care. But more than two lines! More than two words!

I think that's part of the fun for us: we love looking at movies through the filter of a specific character - characters who aren't the lead - and figuring out the film from their point of view.

I love, in movies, when you feel and you understand the past of the character without it being said or having a flashback or something that explains. I think, in 'Prisoners,' we need to understand that Loki's character's past was not first class. He was not the first in his class.

That's right; I was watching 'From Russia With Love', one of my favourite Bond movies, and suddenly thought that I'd love to see a version of this from Tatiana Romanova's point of view. Or, better yet; what if she was the hero? What if this was her story, and Bond was just a side character?

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