I love people who go on stage and blossom like a weird flower.

It's really weird, people love filming, they love being on camera.

I have a weird obsession with people who can speak multiple languages. I'd love to be able to do that.

Most people feel weird about white heels, but I love them and wear them with everything, especially when I need to mix up an all-black outfit.

If people love 'Gremlins' so much and 'Clueless,' 'Yoga Hosers' is not that weird. It is very weird, but compared to that stuff, it's not that different.

It's always weird doing love scenes. And the thing is, you can't really photograph two people kissing naturally, because then you wouldn't be able to see anything.

I love playing small towns, but in Sweden, it's sometimes a little bit weird, because all small towns are just so close to bigger cities that people are not as grateful when you show up as they are in Odessa, Texas.

We love live because of the roughness round the edges, the excitement, the madness, and stuff going off on all sorts of weird tangents. It's like hosting a jolly in your house. We're welcoming people in and giving them snacks.

I absolutely want and prize and love and revere every single media review I get, but if I got 50 reviews from major newspapers and one review from Amazon, I still would feel a little weird: 'What's going on? Why aren't people responding?'

I fell in love with Dungeons & Dragons, and the storytelling of it, and the weird dice, and the fact that it didn't use a traditional board. It felt like I was a part of something special and almost kind of like a secret club because a lot of people didn't know what it was and didn't understand it.

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