If you can't love yourself, you can't love other people.

You just have to find the people that you love, and surround yourself with them.

For a lot of people going through their first love, you're both still figuring yourself out.

I often tell people when you make a mistake, you not only hurt yourself, but you hurt the ones that love you.

As much as I know people love the method and what you can draw out of yourself, a lot of acting is very imaginative.

If you stop trying to restrict yourself by defining yourself and love in other people's terms, it's the most liberating thing.

Usually, watching yourself is pretty awful. People think we all love watching our own films. We don't. We cringe away from it.

I absolutely love collaborating with other people, but I think it's so important to always be able to rely on yourself because there are ups and downs in this industry.

When you fall in love, you wanna share it with people but you know there are some things that you need to keep to yourself, 'cause privacy makes things last longer, I feel.

You have the freedom to live and let live, to love and let love. Granting yourself that freedom is one of the healthiest, most constructive things you can do for yourself and the people who matter to you.

First of all, you need to love yourself, 'cause that's the only way you're going to get by and be O.K. as an individual. But it's important to make other people feel loved because you never know what they're going through.

LA's a very hard place to be unless you have people there that love you. It can be very, very lonely, and it can eat you up if you don't take care of yourself. In LA, nobody wants to talk to each other, everybody's giving each other catty looks.

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