I'm a maverick. I've always been a maverick.

History will dictate what my legacy is. And 'maverick' is fine, because I am.

Yes, there are directors I admire, the mavericks. Altman. There are many good directors.

Maverick is a word which appeals to me more than misfit. Maverick is active, misfit is passive.

Some people are just more prepared to take risks than others. I grew up a gambler. That's my name: Maverick.

Someone once described me as a maverick and that's what I would say. I'm a maverick not by choice but by conviction.

Somebody asked me what do you regret. I said, well I was offered the role of Maverick in 'Top Gun' and I turned it down.

If there is one maverick molecule in all the universe, then God is not sovereign. And if God is not sovereign, He is not God.

The characters I've played, especially Bret Maverick and Jim Rockford, almost never use a gun, and they always try to use their wits instead of their fists.

I'm in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Jimmy Page gave me the MOJO Maverick award. I got an Ivor Novella Award for my very first song.

There is a piece of me that likes to fondly imagine my maverick and rebellious nature. But, more accurately, I like to have a nice and cosy institution that I can rub up against a little bit.

When I played Ivanhoe, kids used to come along and kick me because they thought I wore armour under my clothes. When I was Maverick, I was accepted as a cowboy. And in 'The Persuaders,' I became Lord Brett Sinclair. In other words, I am what I am for as long as I am.

I was born in 1950, so there were tons of Westerns on TV by the time I was 6, 7, 8 years old. In terms of television, 'Maverick' and 'Have Gun - Will Travel.' But filmically, classics like 'High Noon' and 'The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance' - that's one of my favorite films.

You know, many people have said that I'm on the edge and I'm maverick for some of the big operations that I've done. I'm not at all. I pray; I ask God to give me wisdom, 'Should I do it?', guidance in terms of how to do it, who to consult with. All those kind of things are incredibly important.

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