I may be plucky, but I am not stupid.

May we all be doomed to a happy life.

A climate in which belief may flourish

Without Justice, no realm may prosper.

I may be the wrong person for my life.

Consider an enemy may become a friend.

Two may keep counsel putting one away!

[Nuclear war]... may not be desirable.

We make war that we may live in peace.

Fear that makes faith may break faith.

People may think I'm wildly obnoxious.

I may be getting old, but not foolish.

May God protect me from gloomy saints.

From a little spark may burst a flame.

Do not follow where the path may lead.

You may be whatever you resolve to be.

I wish my Sun may never set, but burn.

What is the moral? Who rides may read.

A man may be humble through vainglory.

A man may be down, but he is never out.

He was as fresh as is the month of May.

I do desire we may be better strangers.

The eagle may soar; beavers build dams.

Little friends may prove great friends.

For tyme ylost may nought recovered be.

A drop of ink may make a million think.

You may be wrong, but you may be right.

Must's a schoolroom in the month of may

Mathematical reasoning may be regarded.

May you live all the days of your life.

Let the black flower blossom as it may!

Say the truth even if it may be bitter.

And she was fair as is the rose in May.

Wherever a man lives, he may live well.

I may not remember, but I never forget.

I may be wrong, but I'm never in doubt.

Nearer the gods no mortal may approach.

It is ill to marry in the month of May.

You may imitate, but never counterfeit.

Faithful heart may have froward tongue.

I may be old fashioned, but I am right.

Suffer fools gladly; they may be right.

Always shun whatever may make you angry.

You may fire when you are ready Gridley.

May an elephant caress you with his toes

Opinions may be mistaken; love never is.

You may be on land, yet not in a garden.

The Devil may also make use of morality.

Regimes may fall and fail, but I do not.

Indecision may or may not be my problem.

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