There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.

There are no passengers on spaceship earth. We are all crew.

Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century.

Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century.

Jokes are grievances.

The real news is bad news.

The medium is the message.

Affluence creates poverty.

If it works, it's obsolete.

Fish did not discover water.

I do not explain, I explore.

Life. Consider the alternative.

The mother tongue is propaganda.

Any breakdown is a breakthrough.

Money is a poor man's credit card.

All media work us over completely.

Our permanent address is tommorrow.

Nobody can commit photography alone.

Electronic man has no physical body.

Only the vanquished remember history.

Even mud gives the illusion of depth.

The 'expert' is the man who stays put.

Art is anything you can get away with.

Invention is the mother of necessities.

I may be wrong, but I'm never in doubt.

All advertising advertises advertising.

Language is a form of organized stutter.

Money is just the poor man's credit card.

Human perception is literally incarnation.

Publication is a self-invasion of privacy.

The percept takes priority of the concept.

The story begins only when the book closes.

Our technology forces us to live mythically

All words, in every language, are metaphors.

Clear prose indicates the absence of thought.

Obsolescence is the moment of superabundance.

We go forward looking in the rearview mirror.

First we build the tools, then they build us.

Anything that's popular is a rear-view image.

Diaper backward spells repaid. Think about it.

Ads are the cave art of the twentieth century.

The price of eternal vigilance is indifference.

I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't believed it.

I don't necessarily agree with everything I say.

As a rule, I always look for what others ignore.

The most human thing about us is our technology.

The future of work consists of learning a living.

The huge advantage of Canada is its backwardness.

Education is civil defence against media fallout.

First we shape our tools, thereafter they shape us

A nomadic society cannot experience enclosed space.

Mysticism is just tomorrow's science dreamed today.

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