I'm going to try to jump over people, and I'm going to try to run all day. If my body lets me, I'll do it.

I get treatment every day, just to keep on top of my body and help me recover, and it's really helped me a lot.

Our Siamese cat, Ollie, is like a dog in a cat's body because she is really loyal and very chatty, following me around the house all day.

I'm 5' 8,'' and my weight's a steady 82 kg. I fuel my body with the right nutrition, and vitamins like Berocca, to leave me feeling energised and focused to overcome any tough day.

Mick Foley - the match we had at Backlash is one of my two or three favorite matches ever. Much props to him: he puts his body on the line, and what he did for me that day, I'll never forget.

Some people feel stronger in their 30s. I'm 34. I've noticed I do feel stronger now than when I was 24. But I'm also more sore in the mornings. If I have a bump or a bruise from practice, it takes me a little bit more than just an ice bath to get rid of it. At the end of the week, my body's ready for a day off.

Leg day is my favorite day. You can't have a thorough leg workout without feeling completely spent. It's a challenge, but the benefits of maintain muscle mass on my legs is important because, as the biggest muscle group in the body, it also helps me keep the proper body composition in terms of fat to muscle ratio.

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