I put a lot of faith in dreams. I know that big movie roles and opportunities are going to happen.

I'm chomping at the bit for more movie roles as long as it doesn't interfere with my WWE schedule.

I didn't even dance at my high school prom, and I have turned down so many movie roles because I didn't know how to dance.

I would like to be more fit, but I don't think I will put on fat or gain weight for movie roles. I am not going to do that.

I've done a lot of work other than sci-fi, and between half-hour comedy, stage, and various movie roles, I've really tried to avoid being typecast.

Thank goodness I started getting movie roles and then television shows came along. So I was very fortunate to be able to do all three and I like all of them.

I think that one of my favorite movie roles has been a film that I did with Jason Statham that was out last year called 'Safe.' I played the main bad guy in that.

I'm in a unique position in that my career in music is not over and I have other television things and ventures I can get into. So, it's like I can be very selective when it comes to movie roles.

It was a terrible blow that was dealt when I was fired from 'Saturday Night Live', but I have to say that a few doors opened right away. Movie roles started to roll in, and pretty soon, I was over it.

I think real life reflects your movies. In your life, you pick stuff that influences what movie roles you wanna pick. I think if you've got an interesting life, you wanna do interesting movies about interesting things.

I'm not feeding my kid off movie roles so it's easy for me to say 'no' to things but it's important for me to have this presence and I know it's easy to stereotype and pigeonhole certain people that come from a certain genre but I can do more than a lot of people expect.

It's not like you do 'SNL' and then get handed movie roles. You work, you audition for stuff and try to get it. I think, a lot of people, it's the goal to be in movies or just to be working in general. But yeah, some of us get lucky and get some movie roles, and it's nice.

The acting bug just seemed to stick with me. I loved going to theatre school in college and continued to train in film classes and had been auditioning for T.V. and movie roles since I was in my late teens. My career has been slow and steady, and I kind of like it that way.

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