Older people generally appreciate live music.

People live their lives through melodies. If you can't sing, then music is worthless.

We played a lot of live shows, we just kept plugging away and playing music and people kept coming back.

That's why people come to live music, right? To see something go wrong, something human, something vulnerable.

People who tend to listen to my music have come back and said, 'Yo, this is my anthem. This is what I live by.'

I was able to turn to classical music many people, who saw my programs live and on YouTube, and this is one of the nicest achievements I can have.

I'm a seeker of transcendence through music, and that's kind of where I'm at with the live shows - wanting to help people get out of their heads a little bit.

I think people need to have fun with whatever they're doing - makeup, their clothes, music, live shows - anything you don't need to take too seriously, don't take too seriously.

A record can make an artist sound in tune or make the music sound pretty. But the real test is performing live, and I think we pass fairly well, because people keep asking to see us play.

I think that metal has always been, in my opinion, the most passionate form of music, and it only makes sense to actually be passionate about what you're saying when you're delivering music to people, whether it's through an album or for a live show.

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