I'm terrified of routine.

Loud sounds are everywhere.

I've surfed on Lake Michigan.

We'll show the fire how to burn.

We adapt very quickly to things, don't we?

I enjoy the sea more than I enjoy surfing.

I was never in music to make it to award shows.

I met Xavier Rudd at a surf festival in England.

Just to get asked to a Ibiza Rocks is a big thing.

It's nice to be the centre of attention among many women.

The U.K. is pretty good at being environmentally conscious.

I don't want to ruin my life with paparazzi and all of that.

I've been going to Ibiza all my life really, since I was a kid.

I'm not like a total recluse who lives in the woods or anything.

I live in a small town so I get recognised a lot which is weird.

I am really opinionated when I want to be but I'm just not loud.

As a singer-songwriter I definitely think I push the mould a lot.

If I wasn't a musician... I think I'd just be endlessly traveling.

We spent so much time on 'Every Kingdom,' it was a real heart record.

I've been to some kind of weird places in America. I've been to Idaho.

I've been worryin' that we all, live our lives, in the confines of fear

New York is one of my favorite places in the world, Brooklyn especially.

It's hard on the road, you don't get too much time to sit down and focus.

I've never been a fan of all the R&B and vocoder stuff you hear on the radio.

For me, recording was a lot about honing my guitar skills and honing my singing.

To have a sort of career in music still kind of freaks me out every now and then.

A lot of the bars are really nice to me now because they've heard me on the radio.

Keep your head up, keep your heart strong. Keep your mind set, keep your hair long.

I guess I'm the sort who, if I find something comfortable, tends to push against it.

In the countryside, you're always hearing sheep, birds, tractors and farm equipment.

The recording sessions for 'Noonday Dream' were so varied and over quite a period of time.

We are taught these days that being famous is more important than actually doing something.

I went around driving myself to gigs everywhere, and eventually, people just kept coming back.

I love playing music - and live especially - and I love being on the road. It gets in your blood.

Women and their impact, good and bad. It makes men write songs. I write about relationships, basically.

We played a lot of live shows, we just kept plugging away and playing music and people kept coming back.

I like to think illegal downloads only do real damage to the endless amounts of careless pop music though.

I need some time and space to make sure I'm on the right track with myself and playing music I want to play.

It's the bane of my life and my existence, people telling me to be a little more succinct with what I write.

That's the biggest thing we're excited about: to be in America and have shows sell out is an incredible thing.

I studied to be a journalist, but I don't think I would have made a very good one. I don't have the work ethic.

It's amazing how English music manages to travel to America and obviously, American music in the U.K. is massive.

The best thing is I can say 'I'm working' when I'm having a cup of tea and a cigarette and fiddling on the guitar.

The only thing you can worry about is pleasing yourself and that's probably more impossible than pleasing other people.

I can be among the general public and next to me is a big picture of my face, but no one notices apart from my friends.

I think as soon as you start believing you're doing something superior to other people, then you start losing the plot.

When you're playing guitar, it's the tiny little nuances that make the difference. For me, obviously, tunings is a huge one.

I like slightly obscure places, where the waves may not be world class, but you can tie some culture in with your surf trip.

I find it funny how at British festivals there are such inflated egos. It's rare that I even talk to anyone at a lot of them.

It's so bizarre, being in the rolling water, but I like how insignificant it makes me feel, that's a good head space to be in.

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